Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Day @ Misawa AB

Here are panoramic pictures of the ski lodge, Camp Falcon (camp fire area), and the surrounding area located in the North Area of Misawa Air Base. The kids will be camping, playing, eating, and hanging out here on Saturday (with a pit stop at the Weasel's Den) and departing Sunday by 10 a.m.

More photos can be viewed here.

Ski Lodge - rear view view Lake Ogawara in the distance
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Main Entrance - one-way road entrance to recreational area
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Ski Lodge - entrance on right, lodge in center, one-way road continues to right
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Ski lodge - flat camping area behind BBQ grills to the left, lodge on right
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Camp Falcon - parking area, 1 covered picnic table, benches, camp fire pit
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Saturday, July 29, 2006

The camp is about to begin

I am barely two days away from our camp departure. I can only hope I will have time to post the day's activities with a few photos as I go--in a perfect world, right? I will attempt. Here's a bit of background....

My friend Masako from Aomori introduced me to her friend, Sen who resides in the States, but is a native of Aomori. He works for Global Vision ( and they are hosting an International Children's Camp in Aoomi, Japan. I was asked to help spread the word about the camp on the base and even ask to invite kids. The camp is primarily for cultural exchange with Japanese and American kids from 10-14 years of age. (You can see the camp flyer and daily schedule on the website mentioned above).

Well, things rolled right along--I posted a few flyers, sent out emails, posted on Yahoo groups, emailed friends, got a radio broadcast, articles in local papers...the works. Guess you could consider it my "summer job" eh? It was a blast. That moved on to coordinating a camp out here on base with the Japanese and Americans to have a true, well-rounded cultural experience for everyone. Boy! The details to have a simple BBQ and play and camp and eat. Wow. It is all coming together nicely and only by the grace of God can I do a single thing.

The weather is bound to be nice for the week. It seems like the first week of August is predictable for a major heat wave through this region. Of course, it would be great to see the sun everyday, but the 100 degree weather can get lost as far as I am concerned!! Misawa is always hit or miss, but it is either sun or rain with little choice in between most days.

So, all of the American kids are staying with an American family for the week. The Ortiz family runs an English school, IEC International, in Aomori. If you browse through the photos on their site, you'll see a picture of me from a homestay BBQ we had with the school a few years ago on base here. Anyway, they will have their home full of nearly 25 people for the week of camp. We will drop the kids off every morning for day-camp at 9am and pick them up at 4pm. Yes, I am staying the entire week too! Jesse and Rachel will participate and Noah will jump in where its appropriate. I won't spill the beans too much... you'll have to stop back and read up on our daily adventure starting next week!